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cheats for farmville 2 valentines chocolates

Thursday, 28 August 2014

farmville 2 valentines chocolates – farmville 2 cheats

Yesterday farmville 2 has released farmville 2 valentines chocolates. You are presented with a chocolate box and you need to taste chocolates for mystery gift and a cute farmville 2 animal as final reward. Unfortunately these farmville 2 valentines chocolates are not for free. The first taste of chocolate is free and thereafter one must pay farmville 2 bucks to buy tickets. With each ticket you can taste one farmville 2 valentines chocolate. The rewards include premium decorations and trees like redbud tree and sweetheart cottage. Other common rewards are farmville 2 baby bottles, power and water.
Unfortunately cost of each ticket to taste farmville 2 valentines chocolates is way too high. 1 ticket costs 10 farmville 2 cash. Not only this the consumables like 15 farmville 2 baby bottles which otherwise in generals store costs  just 13 farmville 2 cash is costing 40 farmville 2 bucks. Overheard couple of farmville 2 players saying farmville 2 valentines chocolates should have released on 1 April and not on 14 February. Taste chocolates to discover valuable mystery gifts in farmville 2 valentines chocolates.

farmville 2 valentines chocolates – farmville 2 cheats

Well the good news is, here we are bringing farmville 2 cheats to collect tickets for farmville 2 valentines chocolates.  So cheer up and use following farmville 2 cheats and taste as many chocolates as you wish because in farmville 2 valentines chocolates you can redeem the awards as may time as you wish. But before that I think many of our fellow players will need golden sweet apple tree so here is cheat code for it.

cheats for farmville 2 valentines chocolates

Farmville 2 cheats for golden sweet apple tree
farmville 2 cheats
Scan for: e_deco_animated_flag_expansion (Horsewilds Flag)
Change to: e_tree_fruit_apple_goldensweet

To collect tickets, first you must first change this tree to heirloom tree using pruning shears. Now use following cheat codes to collect tickets for farmville 2 valentines chocolates
Scan for: e_rare_tree_apple_goldensweet_heirloom
change to: e_rare_mysteryminigame_token_valentine
You need 25 tickets to taste all chocolates but here is a catch, do not redeem tickets until you collect all 25 tickets or you will not be able to collect tickets and game will start crashing. But if this occurs use following farmville 2 cheats to collect rest of valentines tickets.
Scan for: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom
Change to: e_rare_mysteryminigame_token_valentine



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Farmville 2 Cheats : Buy Anything With Coins Including Farmbucks Items

Sunday, 24 August 2014


   All these cheats requires some basic knowledge and understanding about cheat engine, If you   are not a tech savvy gamer who understand how cheat engine works and how basic game messaging works then please do not try these instructions and don’t be sad as we will be posting more user friendly free cheats and hacks soon for every body to use so that all our users can dominate the game without being ever scammed again. No survey to fill and no paid string attached to our free hacks and cheat list.Don’t forget to like our facebook page on top right hand corner to keep getting latest updates.
We have collected the best possible Farmville 2 cheats from all over the internet for you guys which you can hack using free cheat engine. Before started using any of these cheats guides below, first download free cheat engine from this URL  http://cheatengine.org/. Basicall cheat engine will help you to see game messaging in real time which you can modify to make these farmville 2 cheats works
Here is the list of cheats which you can get using free cheat engine..Enjoy:)

Hack to obtain FarmVille 2 Free ChainSaw using cheat engine

  1. Open FarmVille 2 & Cheat Engine
  2. Buy “stone gate” (rock arch) then put on your farm
  3. Scan with Cheat Engine “e_deco_arch_rock” and change “e_viral_chainsaw”
  4. And enter the “stone gate” (rock arch) into iventory.
  5. Wait a few moments, then reload your FarmVille 2
  6. Open your FarmVille 2 then check inventory

Hack to obtain FarmVille 2 free Building Materials and Quest Items Using Cheat Engine

Note: In this example we are trying to get the “Pumpkin Bag”
  1. Open Cheat Engine
  2. Buy Shrub Round in Decoration
  3. In Cheat Engine Change Value Type : Text/String
  4. Scan “e_deco_shrub_round” change with “e_viral_pumpkinbag”
  5. Move all the shrub round to inventory .. wait for a minute then refresh
    Viola you’ve got it.

Here is Example for for halloween candy

  1. Open FarmVille 2
    Plant strawberry
    Open Cheat Engine 6.
    And search : e_rare_crop_strawberry Change to : e_rare_halloween_candy
    go to Game ..make speed grow strawberry ready to harvest…
    You got halloween candy if u harvest strawberry.

Some More FarmVille 2 Game Messaging Codes for Materials and Quest Items with few Hints to create your own hacks and cheats

  1. e_resource_bottle_pack_10
If you are Looking for any additional cheat codes find them here
 Free FarmVille 2 Baby Bottle Hack

*requires cheat engine 6.1, firefox and Zero farm bucks

  1. Open Firefox then start Farmville 2
  2. Open Cheat Engine 6.1
  3. Go to Cheat Engine search for FlashPlayerPlugin_xx_x_xxx_xxx.exe
  4. Change VALUE TYPE ”4 Bytes” to ”Text”
  5. On Farmville 2 Open up the shop and go to where the baby bottles are (Should be in the ‘Consumables’ tab)
  6. Scan for ”coins” and  Select all coins text
  7. Change the value of ”coins” into ”farm bucks”
  8. Buy all 3 packs till it say you reach 100!

FarmVille 2 Hack For Silo and Water Well

  1. buy the shrub round under decoration worth 25
  2. put as many as you want in farm
  3. open Cheat Engine and scan “e_deco_shrub_round”
  4. drag all the result down and change it to e_building_well_l1 for well and e_building_silo_l1 for silo
  5. now go back to farm and store all the shrub
  6. refresh and look into your inventory they are now sitting pretty over there.

FarmVille 2 Hack For Water Bar Bonus

  1. Buy hay wagon in market and place it on farm
  2. Open Cheat Engine Scan for 2250 under 4bytes
  3. Drag all the result down and change it to 1M or 2M (2000000)
  4. Now in Cheat Engine again set the value to string or text and type coins and make another scan
  5. Drag all the result down and change coins to water
  6. Go back to farm and sell your hay wagon
  7. Your now big time with water

FarmVille 2 Hack to get Unlimited Silo

  1. Open Fv2 full load
    if u don’t have Buy orange Tree 1 or 2 .. and give it water
  2. Open Cheat Engine 6.2 (CE)
  3. Change value type to string
  4. type text in value to = e_tree_fruit_orange
    change to = e_building_silo_l11
  5. back to ur farm.( ur Game).and buy Orange Tree
    try to place…. if Not place… refesh game ..see what u get it

FarmVille 2 Hack : Buy Anything with Coins Including Items which you can buy with FarmBucks

  1. First open Cheat Engine, for the Value Type chose Array of Byte. Now scan for 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 , after this select all the addresses using red arrow now drop them down select all and right click on those highlighted addresses and from menu change record type and change length to 16 you will see 4 new bytes added to the string: 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX (where XX is your own result)
  2. Now do a new scan 36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 and repeat the same operation you did in the step 1 , you will get 36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY YY YY (if you get many similar values then select 3 or 4 )
  3. Now take 4 bytes YY YY YY YY you have got at step 2 and start a new scan
    and then change the value from YY YY YY YY to XX XX XX XX

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