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FarmVille 2 Bee Box cheat

Thursday, 9 May 2013

DOWNLOAD CHEAT ENGINE = http://www.cheatengine.org/
Collected bee hives can be used to fertilize crops without using farmville 2 fertilizer, but we need to feed honey to make it active. But on the other side honey can also be used for crafting so players must plan to get advantage of bee hives. But just like Farmhands, we can only use Bee hives once every 18 hours.
Following are the FarmVille 2 Cheats codes for bee box and other items required to complete building Bee Box for players who are not very regular on farmville 2 but do not want to miss any action

FarmVille 2 Cheats Codes for Bee Box

farmville-2-cheats-for-bee-boxChange value to string
Search For: e_deco_crates_wooden (pine box)
Change  to:   e_building_beebox_l1
Players need to collect following items to build FarmVille 2 bee box.

FarmVille 2 cheats codes for honeycomb rack

Change value to string
Search For: e_deco_woodpile_log (log stack)
Change to:   honeycomb_rack_rare

 Farmville 2 cheats codes for brown paint

Change value to string
Search For: e_deco_sign_wood (wooden sign board)
Change to:   brown_paint_rare
Players can have one bee hive for each cropland by following farmville 2 cheat. Please make sure to change the farmville 2 cheat code before planting wheat
Change value to string
Search For: e_crop_wheat (Wheat Crop)
Change to:   e_hive_honey

Have any problem to understand this cheat???? knock me. I will help you :)


  1. should we plant wheat before using this cheat

  2. Every time I try the brown paint cheat I lose a paint that I collected the right way.. lol. Why is this happening???


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