Hey Mates, Marie is going to visit your farmville 2 farm very soon. Since Marie is planning to prepare for the marriage of Barbara and Walter. For this she needs your help getting artisan goat cheese from goats to churn out different cheese for the wedding. For this you need to build farmville 2 goat cheesery. After building farmville 2 goat cheesery you also needed to collect artisan goat cheese. In return Marie will reward you a beautiful farmville 2 baby Muscovy Duck. Well this is what farmville 2 is going to release this Tuesday. Zynga is going to release farmville 2 goat cheesery in the coming week.
Here we are providing details of requirement to build farmville 2 goat cheesery. We are also proving farmville 2 cheats of farmville 2 goat cheesery and the items required to build it. If you know how to use farmville 2 cheat engine, you can collect these items in advance so you can build farmville 2 goat cheesery quickly.
Cheat Codes for farmville 2 goat cheesery
Scan for: e_deco_woodpile_plank (Wood Planks)
Change to: e_building_input_goat
farmville 2 cheats to remove under construction farmville 2 goat cheesery
Scan for: e_building_input_goat_construction
Change to: e_building_input_goat_remove
Following are the items required to build farmville 2 goat cheesery.
You can use following farmville 2 cheats to collect these items which you need to build farmville 2 goat cheesery.
farmville 2 cheats for Churning Vats
Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part1
farmville 2 cheats for goat cheese cloths
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part2
farmville 2 cheats for cheese paddles
Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part3
Once your farmville 2 goat cheesery is ready, you must collect the following cheese to collect your reward which is baby Muscovy Duck.
farmville 2 cheats for baby Muscovy Duck
Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked
Change to: e_animal_baby_duck_muscovy
farmville 2 cheats for Muscovy Duck
Scan for: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change to: e_animal_adult_duck_muscovy
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